Setting up a Linux Ubuntu 20.04 machine on VirtualBox

Elez Topuzovic
4 min readJul 14, 2021

The Linux OS is a open source Operating System that is widely used for different purposes. The reason for this is that the majority of the distributions of this OS are free, easy to implement, and do not require as much resources as the competitors.

We can see it’s wide use being implemented as a OS for many web servers. Some statistics say that that number goes to about 93%! Given this as a Cybersecurity professional I have decided to master this OS, and according to many resources the best distribution to start off are:

  1. Linux Mint
  2. Ubuntu
  3. Pop!_ OS
  4. Zorin OS
  5. elementary OS
  6. MX Linux
  7. Solus
  8. Deepin Linux

The distribution of my choice is the Ubuntu, because I have found that this one fits my needs in a way where I can establish a foundation for the upcoming distribution that I will use as a Cybersecurity professional.

Ubuntu 20.04 system requirements

  • 2 GHz dual core processor.
  • 4 GiB RAM (system memory)
  • 25 GB of hard drive space (or USB stick, memory card or external drive)
  • VGA capable of 1024x768 screen resolution.
  • Either a CD/DVD drive or a USB port for the installer media.

It is possible to install the image on a external drive, USB etc. However this method is not recommended due to the slow performance of the instance that is built this way.

  1. To start off in the “Machine” tab select “New”

2 . A pop-up window with the following display will be presented where we can give a name to our new instance, and select the path were we want our machine to reside.

3. In the next step we are choosing what type of drive do we want for our machine. Since this is a fresh installation select the “Create Virtual Hard Disk Now” option and select next.

4. For the next option we are choosing if our drive will be a Fixed or Dynamically allocated one. I would recommend to select the Dynamic option, as this allows us to later on add another hard drive to our machine and extend our storage.

5. After completing the previous step we will have our virtual machine set up and ready for imaging. To start the OS installation process go to the settings option and select “Storage”.

6.From the “Storage” section select the “Controller: IDE” and you will notice a CD/DVD icon, select the icon and you will find the same icon on the top right, only with a small down arrow. Select the installation image that you can download form here.

7. After inserting the image path in the CD/DVD loader select the “Start machine” green arrow and you will be asked if you want to try Ubuntu or Install it.

8. From the Keyboard layout select the language that you prefer to use

9. Select the timezone

10. The installation will start and it will take aproximatelly about 15 minutes to complete. In the meantime grab a cup of coffee and take a break.

